Thursday, April 11, 2019

Hello to all!!
It is nice in Austin this time of year. Can you believe they had to CANCEL the Capital 10K race last Sunday?  Yep, the first time for cancellation. It was raining like a monsoon, at the start time at 8 a.m. My brother, Rick, who is 73, was going to run, but then with the bad weather, it was not going to happen. 
   Things are going fine with my job.  I have been working on a Website project with another company that houses lots of agencies and orgs. that provide help to all.  It is
Our company has the internal site for our staff customized with some new features for us to use when we refer our members for help.  I had a whole lot of training going on and a nice team meeting in SA last month, too. We even had time for bowling one night, which was fun.
   I plan to get in touch with the tour group in Costa Rica soon. I should have some estimated costs and then a timeline with dates for deposit money, etc. 
   Mary, I was thinking of you and the birds. We have had so many soming to the feeders in our back yard. 
   So, it has been a year since we got together in April. Wow, time does move on--yep, and the earth is spinning. 
    I just think of ageing in place, and having wisdom. We all have had such varied lives, and it is good that we have stayed in touch, too.
 Love to all, Namaste,

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Back from Florida Wildlife Adventure

Hello, Five Girl Farm’ers!  Terry and I just got back from a road trip to Florida. It was perfect timing as winter has been particularly frigid/snowy this year in Kansas. We traveled down the Eastern seaboard all the the way to the Keys and then back up the Western Gulf side. Funny, the weather was unseasonably warm - - so I was sweaty, salty, greasy for most of the trip. Sounds like I’m complaining, but not really. Just a huge change. ☺️

I’m definitely “in” for Costa Rica, too; WE, I should say. Now, we’re excited about all the tropical  birds that we’ll see in CR. The Florida wading birds were a real treat and I have a bajillion pics to prove it. Any kind of nature is the draw for me. On our many visits to FL’s Wildlife Reuges, we were always rewarded, surprised, and delighted by some “find.”  The highlight of the trip was seeing a Manatee come cruising down the Crystal Springs River, following behind two kayakers. Surprise!

Funny: when we were at the Chassahowitzka Wildlife Management Area, literally down a dead end road - binoculars in hand looking for birds - a car pulled up beside us. The driver asked, “Is this the way to the 80-acre distillery?”  I cackled out loud because I thought he was pulling my leg. But no, he was serious. After he left, Terry said “...maybe he misunderstood what *wildlife* meant...”. We had been to Key West and South Beach Miami and definitely had seen all kinds of wild-life. We’ve been cracking up about that ever since.

Debi, do keep me posted on your Austin trip. Don’t know if it’s in the cards, but I can certainly check it out.

Karen, thanks for all your good leadership on our CR trip!  Really looking forward to it.  Regarding your Fall trip, Yellowstone National Park is awesome. One of the best/weirdest places on on planet earth.

Peggy, how can you be 70?  Time has just flown by. In my mind’s eye, we are still all young and perky. Now we’re well-seasoned, and well, still perky!

 Luv to you all,


Sunday, March 3, 2019

It's Still Winter in Chicago . . .

Greetings from Siber--I mean Chicago.  The high today is 21 with a low of 0, and tomorrow it will be 16 with a low of 8.  Tuesday gets a little better with a high 21 and a low of 9, and then on Wednesday it will be a balmy 28.  Believe it or not, temps are relative and when it has been down in the single digits and below freezing for a while we have a tendency to take off our hats and gloves when it gets up in the 20s so we can enjoy the warmth.  There is at least sun today so from inside I have the illusion that it is warm!

Karen, good news about your health and that's a great thing you are doing for your friend's granddaughter, but not surprising to me.  I love the idea of hanging out on a Mayan Ranch in Bandera (I think my family went there before I was born - there is a photo of a very young Pete on a horse, and I know it was in Bandera so the place has held a mystique for me most of my life) and San Antonio sounds like a lot of fun, but I won't be able to make a trip to Austin at that time.

I will, however, be coming for a visit some time toward the end of May and would love it if those of us who are in Austin can get together (and if Mary decides to visit at the same time that would be great as well!).  I'll post the dates as soon as I have booked my flight.

My niece Jill is coming to visit me at the end of April for a long weekend, and then my nephew Zach and his girlfriend are coming up the first week of May to see Hamlet at the Shakespeare Theater and then will do some sightseeing around the area.  They will also be staying with me.  That is just the push I need to get that bed for the spare room LOL.

I am definitely in for Costa Rica!

Saturday, March 2, 2019

It's March already!!

Hello to all,
Had a  Texas road trip for work all of February. First to El Paso, then to Corpus Christi, and McAllen, then back to El Paso and last week, Lubbock. Whew!! I was kinda tired of the travel but I even got to see the Bluebonnets coming out on the drive to Corpus Christi. So beautiful this time of year in Texas.  I am still enjoying my job, but I have started to feel out the possibility of working maybe 25-30 hours or so for the next two years, until I decide on retirement.  I want to serve as a mentor to the new trainers, and I am hopeful that my manage will see that as a positive note--and we can get HR on-board, too.
   Still thinking I will start up a small cooking school for men, when I retire. Or, maybe join a tour group to feature Austin; Since I still love this city.  Or, even do my own podcasts on great things in Austin and the surrounding areas.  Hmm, so much to think about.
   I hope ya'll have had some time to think of the C.R. trip next year. I am hopeful we can work it out and probably have to get firm commitments, and money down for the tour by Oct. or November this year. 
   I have a few things going on this summer. I have invited a dear friend's granddaughter from Philly, Gianna, to be with me in July.  She is 12 and has been having some depression and school issues, but I am focusing on building up her spirit.  She will attend a camp outside of Kerrville for one week and then the second week of July 15th, we plan to do some fun stuff together, maybe even a few days at the Mayan Ranch in Bandera and of course, a trip to San Antonio.  If anyone wants to join us in July --let me know. It is a great dude ranch with many activities for the kids, and a pool and horses to ride.
   Brad and I are thinking we want to go to a national park in the U.S., but looking at Glacier or Yellowstone--but that would be in Sept. or Oct.--but not sure of dates, yet.
    My physical was last week, and all was fine, but need to focus on losing some weight. Always a challenge, but I know I just have to commit, plan out the meals and keep walking.
Best to all,

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Hello and Happy New Year to all!!
Well, we are having a "cold Front" in Austin, around 32 degrees which is a big change for us from the 70's we were having.  Ha, ha. I know in Debi and Mary's world that is no big deal, but hey for us it is. I had to cover lots of potted plants to keep them safe. 
   I had been in San Antonio last week to teach a class and now in Austin this week. Whohoo, holiday on Monday, MLK day.  Also I am headed to El Paso at the end of the month for a class and Corpus Christi in Feb.
    Just wanted ya'll to know that I am still thinking of Costa Rica for next year. The best way to do this tour would be to use a travel group that my brother uses for his Baylor Univ. Students. Tropical Expeditions is a great group and they provide the transportation and guides, and cover hotels and most meals.  Check it out at
You can see that the basic tour starts at $975 (air tixs are extra) for 8 days and 7 nights. It is extensive with a chance to see San Jose, Beach areas, as well as Arenal volcano.  Let me know if that is a good plan for ya'll. I think we can get a better deal if we know that at least 8 are going, for sure.  This is the double rate for rooms, but if you want a single room, it's a bit higher.  Of course, we can add on extra days in a specific area,if you want to--and that is your choice.  This travel group can customize if we want to add extra days, or just do on your own, as desired.  ( I would suggest an extra day in Manuel Antonio area or at least take a catamaran trip to Tortuga Island--really cool.)
   Driving in C.R. is crazy even for seasoned people--so do not suggest that at all, unless you are in the beach areas.  Many roads in the city are not named, so again an issue to find your location.  Uber is available everywhere, so no problem there.
   I suggest going in Late Jan. or Feb. since that is Dry season and considered off season for tourists.
That should give us a good leeway to save up and look at air fare rates. Southwest flys from Houston San Jose as well as United and American Airlines.
  Update: Brad is now the bass player for EXTREME HEAT.  Do you remember that band from the 70s and 80s? Well, they are still pumping it out in clubs in Austin.  Great music.
  So, just dreaming of fun next year,  so let me know what you think.....Love to all. Karen

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Retire-cation musings

Hi ya’ll!  Woke up this morning to a winter wonderland. More snow expected to fall throughout the day. Terry and I are cozy inside with no plans to leave the house. Someone has already scooped the sidewalks and front porch.

We will use this time to finalize our next road trip to the Florida Keys in February.  It’s fun to plan a sunny get-away while we enjoy the pretty snow covered view outside. The joy of retirement: enjoying the rhythm of the seasons and going with the flow.  I am soooooo grateful.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful 2019!  Cheers,


Saturday, December 15, 2018

Hi ya'll,  
Dreaming of a cooler temp Christmas but in Texas we are glad to have it in the 30s at night.  
I got to listen to a live Stream of a Christmas music Show from Blue Rock Ranch/Studio last night. They featured Carrie Rodriguez (violin), Roscoe Beck (bass) and Erin Ivey (singer) and Billy Crockett (guitar).  All great singers and musicians.

The live recording from last night

One from a few years ago

Just been baking some Christmas cookies, ginger molasses, Sandies and Biscotti.  I love em but most are to be given as gifts. I still need to make some pumpkin and carrot bread, too.
     I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday season.  It brings happiness and time to share with family and friends.  We are lucky to have my nephew and his wife, Ben and Liz, with us and their two boys, Aaron (8) and Austin (10).  Should be fun to show them AUstin. They are moving back to Alburqurque, NM, sine Ben is still with the Railroad there.
    And of course, when I look back at this year, I am remembering our wonderful time in April for the Reunion.  It was special and fun.  I remember the great times at 5 Girl Farm christmas. 
    I am still enjoying my work at Superior Health Plan as a trainer.  I have a class next week in San Antonio but only 3, so should be nice. I get to see the lights on the RiverWalk, too.
Wishing you the best in 2019!!  Karen