Sunday, March 3, 2019

It's Still Winter in Chicago . . .

Greetings from Siber--I mean Chicago.  The high today is 21 with a low of 0, and tomorrow it will be 16 with a low of 8.  Tuesday gets a little better with a high 21 and a low of 9, and then on Wednesday it will be a balmy 28.  Believe it or not, temps are relative and when it has been down in the single digits and below freezing for a while we have a tendency to take off our hats and gloves when it gets up in the 20s so we can enjoy the warmth.  There is at least sun today so from inside I have the illusion that it is warm!

Karen, good news about your health and that's a great thing you are doing for your friend's granddaughter, but not surprising to me.  I love the idea of hanging out on a Mayan Ranch in Bandera (I think my family went there before I was born - there is a photo of a very young Pete on a horse, and I know it was in Bandera so the place has held a mystique for me most of my life) and San Antonio sounds like a lot of fun, but I won't be able to make a trip to Austin at that time.

I will, however, be coming for a visit some time toward the end of May and would love it if those of us who are in Austin can get together (and if Mary decides to visit at the same time that would be great as well!).  I'll post the dates as soon as I have booked my flight.

My niece Jill is coming to visit me at the end of April for a long weekend, and then my nephew Zach and his girlfriend are coming up the first week of May to see Hamlet at the Shakespeare Theater and then will do some sightseeing around the area.  They will also be staying with me.  That is just the push I need to get that bed for the spare room LOL.

I am definitely in for Costa Rica!

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