Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Hi Five-Girl-Farm'ers!  I finally figured out that logging in to this site, is easier on my computer (rather than iPhone).  Now I have signed up for the notifications, too.  Yay!

Karen, you mentioned a get-together next year to discuss the Costa Rica trip.  That sounds great.  You mentioned possibly vising Kansas, and I second that.  The Kansas City - Country Club Plaza, for instance - is a pretty cool area, with lots of shopping, hotels, theaters, and restaurants -- all within walking distance.  Kind of a destination vaycay place.  And there are usually good fares on SWA from Austin/Chicago to MCI (KC airport and the Plaza are technically/actually in Missouri; we like to confuse people.  Ha!).  Check it out:


Terry and I moved all my stuff from Lawrence to the new house in Topeka.  Now we are de-junking, cleaning-up, and getting ready to put his house on the market.  So then we can actually live in the new house.  What a concept.  Many boxes marked for garage sale.  Many bags of clothes delivered to GoodWill.  So much left to do, but we're getting there.  He's been in his house for 22 years.  Right now we are sorting through all the kids' toys, games, and what nots.  Lots o' stuff. 

Thinking of you all and what a great time we had at the Reunion!  Would love to do see you guys next year.  Also, here's a standing invitation to visit Kansas and stay with us once we actually get moved-moved.  I sincerely mean that!!

Luv,  --Mary

Sunday, May 20, 2018

💖😅 Hi, to all,
   Well, another Sunday, and I like to have time to write when it is quiet. We are waiting on rain here in TX.  We need it, so no complaining. I am just glad it is coming down today.
   Brad is supposed to play at the outdoor patio at Guero's today but who knows, if the rain comes, they will probably cancel that.
   We had dinner guests last night, Daisy and her husband, Daniel. Daisy is one of my neighbor's daughters.  She is studying Bi-lingual edu. at TX STate Univ. She is so happy and works PT at James Avery in Barton Creek Mall.  Her husband, is an HVAC specialist and of course, this is his busy season.  They are so young, 22--and it is great to be able to visit with them, and hear of their future plans.  
   Always makes me reflect on our ages when we were at 5 Girl Farm. I still feel some of the same thoughts about life, and I hope I never lose my desire to do good, and spread kindness in this world, and have a good time--along the way!
   I had a special treat last weekend. Bobby Arnold invited me out to see the Blue Rock Ranch and recording studio, outside of Wimberley.  Great place, with a huge recording facility, and many famous people have recorded there, including Lyle Lovett, etc.  The studio and house are owned by a great couple that like to give back to the community by hosting concerts, and live stream of the music, too. Bobby used to take his TX State Students there to help with their recording tech. class--and I am sure it was a great experience.  It is on a ridge overlooking a small stream, and the mountains over Wimberley,  there's a pool, too. Wow, it was fun to just be able to see it and enjoy the afternoon there.
   I was pulling into my driveway on Sat. and saw a huge roadrunner, with a lizard in his beak. He was surprised and so was I, so I got outta the car, but then he took off with his prize. Wow, usually you don't see them in the city.
   I am thinking of holding off to retire until May of 2020, since then I can have all debt paid off and also collect my bonus $$.  
   Let's plan a get together for early 2019, so we can plan the Costa Rica trip, O.k.?    I want to get your likes/dislikes, etc.  We could meet up in Dallas, or Kansas, or somewhere else....any ideas?    
   That's all for now, ya'll keep posting,,,

Sunday, May 13, 2018

💗💞Just up early on a Sunday,  like we talked about at the reunion, I like to get up and have my coffee and sit on the patio with the cats.  They love to be outside in the morning.  I like my quiet time with them and giving my mind a break, too. 
   Can't believe it is Mother's Day already. Wow, I was remembering my mom and how we used to talk and just enjoy being together. She always had a great love of life and towards the future. She had great adventures in her life, and I guess that is where I get my spirit from,  her bloodline.  Vikings always were adventurous people and that combined with water in any form, and there you go.....
   I have to head to San Antonio this afternoon, since I am covering a class on Monday for a fellow trainer. She is a single mom, Anna,  and from McAllen area. She has 3 boys and I thought she should be able to stay longer on Monday before heading back to SA.  I will handle Monday for her, so she does not have to rush back to town.  
   Brad and I are going to Nan and Tom's this morning to have brunch made by their daughter, Laura. I am bringing fixings for mimosas. I also read about how to freeze individual ice sections with champagne or prosecco with fruit--strawberries and add them to the drink, as you serve.  Sounded good to me.  I also found a great way to have Prosecco in the summer, just pour some in a glass and add a fruit popsicle or any thing you prefer and it chills and keeps the drink cold. 
   So, I have been getting in my 5,000 steps a day, and it really does wonders, for sure.
Also, added Evening Primrose oil capsules to my regime, along with Fish oil.  EPO is great for skin (especially acne or psoriasis--which I have) and heart healthy as well as for our lady parts, and arthritis along with osteoporosis.  Like a wonder supplement. I used to take it before for anyone who has bad PMS, it is fantastic!! If you take it just do 1,000 mg. a day until your body is used to it, and then you can double it, if you want to, per day.
That's it for now,  Love to all, Karen

Friday, May 11, 2018

Just a few thoughts

I know, it's early, but I had to get up to feed the cats and let them outdoors.  It is the beginning of the summer months and now, I am getting all kinds of dreams about 5 Girl Farm and just how I felt back in the day. Actually, it's not that different from how I feel now.  Don't care for the heat as much, but I do remember how much fun we had with the pool, and friends at the farm.  We did know how to get people together to enjoy the outdoors and just enjoy life.  I don't ever want to forget that wonderful feeling--of people being close and open.
    One of the best times at the reunion was when I was in the kitchen and almost everyone was around the table, and I could hear your voices.  Such a wonderful sound of laughing and talking--and it was magical.  Each person with their voice, and knowing each other as we all do.   I think our shared lives and love and all the things we have experienced have added to that moment.  I cannot tell you how much you all mean to me--let's always stay connected.
Peace, Karen (the instigator, planner, and hope to be the crazy one...)