Sunday, May 13, 2018

💗💞Just up early on a Sunday,  like we talked about at the reunion, I like to get up and have my coffee and sit on the patio with the cats.  They love to be outside in the morning.  I like my quiet time with them and giving my mind a break, too. 
   Can't believe it is Mother's Day already. Wow, I was remembering my mom and how we used to talk and just enjoy being together. She always had a great love of life and towards the future. She had great adventures in her life, and I guess that is where I get my spirit from,  her bloodline.  Vikings always were adventurous people and that combined with water in any form, and there you go.....
   I have to head to San Antonio this afternoon, since I am covering a class on Monday for a fellow trainer. She is a single mom, Anna,  and from McAllen area. She has 3 boys and I thought she should be able to stay longer on Monday before heading back to SA.  I will handle Monday for her, so she does not have to rush back to town.  
   Brad and I are going to Nan and Tom's this morning to have brunch made by their daughter, Laura. I am bringing fixings for mimosas. I also read about how to freeze individual ice sections with champagne or prosecco with fruit--strawberries and add them to the drink, as you serve.  Sounded good to me.  I also found a great way to have Prosecco in the summer, just pour some in a glass and add a fruit popsicle or any thing you prefer and it chills and keeps the drink cold. 
   So, I have been getting in my 5,000 steps a day, and it really does wonders, for sure.
Also, added Evening Primrose oil capsules to my regime, along with Fish oil.  EPO is great for skin (especially acne or psoriasis--which I have) and heart healthy as well as for our lady parts, and arthritis along with osteoporosis.  Like a wonder supplement. I used to take it before for anyone who has bad PMS, it is fantastic!! If you take it just do 1,000 mg. a day until your body is used to it, and then you can double it, if you want to, per day.
That's it for now,  Love to all, Karen

1 comment:

  1. Good job on the daily steps! I’ve been slacking this past month, but am ready to get back in my daily routine!

    I too love that morning quiet and coffee. It’s the best part about retirement having no alarm clock and time to lounge. Yummer.
