Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Memories of 5 Girl Farm

Memories of 5 Girl Farm
Wow, can’t believe I am here with all of you at this time. I am so grateful to have you in my life.
It was a simpler time, for sure in 1980, I was newly divorced and looking for a place to share with some gals and wow, did we find a great place on some land, with a pool!!!  I think I found the house in a classified ad in the Statesman, and showed it to Nicki. And we figured out if we all split it 5 ways, then we could share the house and it could be a great place.  Well, it did turn out to be a place we could share, laugh, cook, dance, sing and party.  I think we even tried gardening in a small plot, but not much came of that….
I often remember looking forward to the weekends, when we could have meals together and outdoor fun, when the weather was fine in Austin.  So much good times with outdoor cooking, swimming, and the outdoor sport court. Remember inviting so many people out to visit, too, it was an open door, that was for sure.
I do think that Westlake area was so cool back then, without all the shops, etc. We headed out Bee Caves to our little place of heaven.  I liked going to clubs and hearing music and then driving back to our house late at night.  Such a quiet and
cool place to be.  We had so many friends from the library and others who also came out to just  enjoy life.
I had my little Toyota Corolla (that Nicki taught me how to drive) and we all had different schedules of work, so it was a whirlwind at times.
We really did seem to gel, with all our time together.  I remember moving in and choosing our rooms (how did we do that?)   Getting unpacked and deciding our house rules, and shelves in the fridge.   
Do you remember when Debi and I were making New Year’s Hats, and using Airplane glue, and I believe we had inhaled a bit too much. Nicki found us laughing and giggly.
Didn’t we find some mice once, too, and there was an all out fight to find the little ones. 
Who remembers the Memorial Day 1981 flood weekend?  OMG…That was crazy, sitting in the kitchen and watching the water come up to almost the kitchen floor level. Whew, that was nuts. I know that Brad was with us, too, and he was so worried about his apt. off South Lamar, close to Strait Music store and Whole Foods. He was lucky the house was still there.
And of course, Bobby Arnold, what a character. He was sooo crazy at times, but always up for a laugh or a good meal.
I am still so in awe of all of you, that you were so giving and supportive at that time.  I needed support and a caring environment and that is what we had at 5 Girl Farm.  I was thinking the other day, that if I was given a bad health report, God Forbid, you all are the ladies I would call for comfort.   You have given me so much ---and even though the years have gone by; we share a special place in a special time, that can never be forgotten.
Spiritually, I am stronger and more in tune with my personal God. I don’t fear getting older, since I know that once I leave this earth, I will be in another place that is different but peaceful.
Love to you all!!  Karen

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Sunday, April 22, 2018

It's Finally Getting Warmer . . .

It is finally getting warmer here in Chicago.  The temperature is supposed to go all the up to the mid-50s today and should not drop below 40 for the rest of the week.

Something that always makes me laugh when I come home to Austin for the holidays is how my sister-in-law always comes into my room at least once and asks me, "Are you sure you don't need an extra blanket tonight?  It's supposed to get down into the 50s."  I laugh every spring when the weather finally gets up to the 50s.

I don't believe I mentioned while we were all together that I joined the Divvy bike-sharing program about four years ago.  The relatively even streets (and NO HILLS to speak of) make for smooth riding and it is much better than a car or public transportation.  I joined some groups that do long rides on the weekends and decided I should get a bike of my own, which I did last year just after Thanksgiving.  I ride as much as I can all year long, unless it is snowing or sleeting or the wind chill drops below 0 (or the wind speed goes over 20mph).  But I have to admit it is a much nicer ride in spring and summer when the temperatures are higher and the sun is shining.

So the next time you picture me up here in Chicago, picture me on this:

This was taken right outside my apartment building the night I brought it home.  On the advice of other cyclists I have let it get  dirty so it doesn't look so nice and new enough to scream "Steal me somebody!"  I lock it well and so far I have been lucky . . .

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Enjoying the cooler temps this morning

It's  early but I wanted to tell you about my evening walk. I was walking and then brought a few books to our little Free Library on a trail by my house. I took one book, by an African writer--future reading.  I was looking up at the trees and just enjoying the views.  At certain points I would touch a tree and just breathe and imagine what that tree has seen in it's long growing years.  Then, I came across a little patch of winecup flowers and some yellow daisies. Wow!  It was soooo beautiful. I am always reminded of the special side of nature and it always makes my heart smile.
I also found an opossum with her little one, just moseying around--fascinating to watch. I hope all of you have time to enjoy nature, whether it is in a plant indoors or outside-which is better. Keeps me grounded and happy.
Enjoy the weekend!  💛💏😻

Friday, April 20, 2018

Moving to Topeka

Terry and I "close" on the new house we bought a week from today (4/27/18).   It's been 21 years since I've moved, so this feels like a big deal. We plan to strip the "butt-ugly" wallpaper and paint the new place before we move my stuff in. Then we "close" on the sale of my house on 5/10/18. When we get all that done, we will sell Terry's house and move his stuff. Doesn't that sound like fun?  Wish us luck...


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday Morning, 7:44am, Chicago

 So I am back in Chicago getting ready to go to work this morning in 32-degree weather (no snow, at least) and I am still smiling from the glow of warmth, good memories, companionship and love radiating out from Austin.

And, I am already thinking about when we can next get together.  (And where.)