Saturday, April 21, 2018

Enjoying the cooler temps this morning

It's  early but I wanted to tell you about my evening walk. I was walking and then brought a few books to our little Free Library on a trail by my house. I took one book, by an African writer--future reading.  I was looking up at the trees and just enjoying the views.  At certain points I would touch a tree and just breathe and imagine what that tree has seen in it's long growing years.  Then, I came across a little patch of winecup flowers and some yellow daisies. Wow!  It was soooo beautiful. I am always reminded of the special side of nature and it always makes my heart smile.
I also found an opossum with her little one, just moseying around--fascinating to watch. I hope all of you have time to enjoy nature, whether it is in a plant indoors or outside-which is better. Keeps me grounded and happy.
Enjoy the weekend!  šŸ’›šŸ’šŸ˜»


  1. I saw a term online: "forest bathing" that I like. A daily dose of Mother Nature keeps me grounded and serene too, Karen.

  2. I like that term also, Mary. We don't have as many opportunities to commune with nature up here in Chicago but there are many parks and the lakefront has been well preserved so we have some greenery. Nothing that compares to Austin, though. This past visit at my brother's house we saw rabbits, hummingbirds, a roadrunner, and heard a woodpecker. It was wonderful!
