Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Yep Finally September

Hi, all,
I just love the fall time of year.  It is my favorite, since I do have a birthday coming in October.  Ah, well, another good year. 
  I have been busy with work, just seems like I have one class after another but now I have time to do some editing and revision to our curriculum.  We have a training summit this week on Th. and Friday, so it will be nice to visit with other trainers in our company.
   We finally have rain in Texas. It was such a long, hot summer but now the rain and cooler temps. are on the way!!  I can't wait to start baking zucchini and pumpkin breads.  Love the spices and the taste, too.
   Brad is busy with gigs and rehearsals, but he is enjoying the extra time for other projects, too.  
   I had a follow up C-scope done a week ago. My gastroenterologist MD wanted to double check and area of interest from last year.  But all was fine, and I was relieved. As they say, the prep is worse than the procedure,  and it's true.
   Still trying to get in my walks each day, and have lost about 15 lbs. over the summer. Don't know how, except cutting out carbs was key for me and not eating sweets, too.
   You know I miss all of you, and we do need to catch up by using the blog space.
Best wishes to everyone.  I am beginning to get rid of stuff, too, it does not take long for it to pile up.

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