Saturday, September 15, 2018

FGF Pals, I can't believe it!  I finally did it, thanks to Debi who knows all in the world of technology as far as I'm concerned!  Thanks for your patience, Debi!

After 40+ days of triple digit heat, we have now had about 2 weeks of constant rain.  Your photos from Costa Rica whetted my appetite for our next reunion, Karen.  Looking forward to it!

My grandson, Harrison, has had what I call "hoof and mouth" disease.  Really "hand, foot, & mouth," and so disgusting.  Red bumps with clear blisters and Thrush for good measure in the mouth.  The only thing good about this is that I got to spend an inordinate amount of time with him over the past few weeks while mom and dad went to work.  So much fun!  Even though he was not in a very good mood for a few days, after the initial viral infection, he was in the best mood. Watching him absorbing all the world has to offer is such a blast!

 Karen, let me know when Brad has a local gig that you are attending.  Would love to see you!

Hugs to all,

1 comment:

  1. Yay, Peggy! You did it! Welcome aboard the FGFB!! Sorry to hear about Harrison’s woes, but glad you are available and willing to help out! I had read there was a “hoof and mouth” disease epidemic. So here’s proof positive.

    We continue to assimilate into the new house. More de-junking continues as we organize each room and unpack boxes. The spare bedroom bathroom wallpaper gets removed next week and then that’s the last of that project. Sigh...

    On Friday, I work at my old employer (KU Endowment) to cover vacation for the Receptionist. That is such a blast getting to see everyone and catch-up on the news. Very fun.


